Senior Teacher Trainer
Marieke van Woerkom joined Open Future Institute as an educational consultant and teacher trainer in 2020. As a trainer, facilitator, and coach she works in schools across New York City and beyond to build more inclusive learning and teaching environments. She also contributes to the development of the QUESTion Academy—our teacher training, professional development and coaching programs.
Marieke has worked in the fields of social emotional learning; inter-cultural exchange; conflict resolution; restorative practices; social justice; racial equity; trauma informed-care; healing centered engagement; and human rights for over 25 years. When working with schools, and in classrooms, her focus is on creating more equitable spaces where all students (and staff) feel they belong. Marieke holds a double Masters in Cultural Anthropology and International Relations from the University of Amsterdam, with a focus on social psychology and a specialization in group identity and intergroup relations.