Teacher Trainer
Cynthia’s pursuits in career and life have been inspired by the Human story. After graduating from Trinity College with a degree in English, she chose a career in film editing. Film being an identifiable medium, she wanted to use human stories to educate and inspire. From the quiet of her editing room, she paid attention to the details of each scene while also aware of the whole story. Questions like “What’s the purpose of this character?” became life questions, what’s the purpose of all characters, all humans, humanity as a whole? To explore these kinds of questions, she travelled west to get her Master’s in Spiritual Psychology and become certified as a Parent Education Specialist. She became a professional life coach, working with adult clients who are asking the very questions we explore in The QUESTion Project. As Teacher Trainer, Cynthia oversees the success of the QUESTion Class in our schools in Los Angeles. She works directly with teachers of the QUESTion Class in the schools, supporting them with the QUESTion approach to teacher training and professional development.